The Prince of Tennis has brought more of its anime franchise to Funimation! Takeshi Konomi's original Shonen Jump manga series is currently in the midst of a huge revival not only following the release of a few original OVA anime specials, but with a new CG movie taking place between the original series and its sequel coming to Japan in the near future. With the franchise making its comeback in such a big way, now fans have another opportunity to check out the original anime adaptation released for the franchise over the years with a new update from Funimation.
Funimation lists the project that it will offer "in the next year each month":
- The Prince of Tennis
- The Prince of Tennis OVAs
- The Prince of Tennis II
- The Prince of Tennis II OVAs
- The Prince of Tennis II OVAs vs Genius 10
- The Prince of Tennis II Hyotei vs Rikkai Game of Future Part 1
- The Prince of Tennis II Hyotei vs Rikkai Game of Future Part 2
- The Prince of Tennis: Futari no Samurai
- The Prince of Tennis: Atobe Kara no Okurimono
- The Prince of Tennis: Eikoku-shiki Teikyū-jō Kessen!
- The Prince of Tennis Best Games
The franchise will stream on Funimation in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, and Brazil; on AnimeLab in Australia and New Zealand; and on Wakanim in France, Germany, Russia, and Scandinavia.
They are clearly planning to gamble on the franchise, even offering multi-language subtitles, and are even planning to give the series an English dub.Now even some new fans will experience Ryouma's journey to become the best, like no one ever was.
Konomi serialized The Prince of Tennis manga's original run in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from 1999 to 2008. The manga follows middle school tennis player Ryōma Echizen as he battles rivals to reach the national tournament. That original manga inspired a 2001-2005 television anime, two anime feature films and a theatrical short, various video anime projects, a live-action film, a live-action television series in China, and a popular stage musical series.
The Ryōma! Shinsei Gekijōban Tennis no Ōji-sama (Ryōma! Rebirth Movie The Prince of Tennis) 3DCG film for The Prince of Tennis franchise will open on September 3, after being delayed from spring 2020. The film will feature a completely original story that takes place in the three-month time period between the events at the end of the The Prince of Tennis manga and the start of The New Prince of Tennis manga. Funimation has not yet announced if it will stream this film.
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